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Grants for companies

Dig.IT - Digital transformation of Polish SMEs

Do you work in manufacturing or industry? Learn the details of a new digital transformation grant. It may be an opportunity for faster growth for your company as well.
Filip Samczuk
Author of the article
October 6 2023
Reading time
3 minutes
machine photo industry 4.0
Table of contents

Grants for digitization for Polish companies (dig it) - new support program

Dig.IT is a grant that will support micro, small and medium-sized enterprises seeking to increase the level of innovation. It is a program under the European Funds for a Modern Economy (FENG) under the EU budget 2021-2027, and is operated in Poland by the Industrial Development Agency S.A. (IDA). This is another valuable tool for companies that want to increase their competitiveness on the market based on new technologies (actively working to further digital development).

If you are potentially interested in such a program and don't want to miss the recruitment deadline and the most important news related to it, sign up for our newsletter: - By the way, you will also receive information on dozens of other financial solutions currently available (!) for Polish companies.

A banner encouraging people to sign up for the subsidy guide

Dig.IT - for whom does it support?

Dig.IT program is mainly dedicated to Entrepreneurs from sectors such as industry, manufacturing, services to industry, who are thinking seriously about digital transformation.

To this end, they should think in advance about drawing up a personalized digital transformation strategy to make the most of the financing they receive. It is important to align the digital technologies purchased with real business needs. The digital transformation process should serve to increase the competitiveness (profitability) of the company. For the Polish SME sector, dig it is an opportunity to gain advantages on international markets as well, with proper management of the company's new resources.

How much can you get?

Minimum grant value: 40,000 euros

Maximum grant value: 200,000 euros

Maximum funding percentage: 70% net project costs

machine photo industry 4.0

Eligible costs - what can the funds received be spent on?

Supported areas of digital transformation include:

  • Process automation and business analytics;

  • Digital sales and customer contact;

  • Use of cloud solutions;

  • The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning;

  • Cyber Security;

  • Management of enterprise resources using IT solutions.

This is a fairly broad catalog, and as can easily be seen, a successful digital transformation process is mostly about implementing IT or possibly automation solutions.

Costs in the mandatory part of the project:

  • acquisition of intangible assets in the form of finished software or commissioned programming work,

  • Cloud services like SaaS, PaaS, IaaS or CSaaS, etc.

Costs in the optional part (supplementary costs):

  • The cost of implementing software or cloud services into the company's operations,

  • Costs of training employees in the use of acquired digital technologies

  • The cost of necessary fixed assets.

two factory workers talk about innovation

Advice on the individual needs of your business

The IDA is collaborating on the project with the Future Industry Platform Foundation, which will provide consulting services to applicants. This work is intended to help tailor development plans to the specifics of your business. In cooperation with experts, you will jointly establish goals that are economically sound and fit into the formal requirements of the program. According to the assumptions, you will receive recommendations for actions, and perhaps also, for example, you will receive a reliable assessment of the costs of the planned activities.

They are to be specific:

  • Verification of the applicant's digital maturity (assessment of how you use the technological potential for today);

  • Develop a digital transformation strategy;

  • Assessing the feasibility of green or sustainable solutions;

  • technology services;

  • legal services;

  • Transformation process costing services.

The exact terms of the support to be provided (whether it will be paid or free) are not yet known as of today. It can be tentatively assumed that these costs will be eligible for inclusion in the eligible costs of the project.

Grants for companies - graphics

How to benefit from Dig.IT support

If, after reading this article, it seems to you that your company can meet the formal requirements, and at the same time such support would be valuable for the development of your business - contact us.

We will analyze, free of charge, whether you qualify for funding, help you plan the transformation and professionally develop the competition application. If necessary, we will also assist you in accounting for the grant once it has been awarded and spent.

Do you have questions? Something remains unclear to you? Get back to us by email or phone, we respond quickly.

text "need support in writing a proposal? contact us"

Dig.IT Digital transformation of Polish SMEs - questions and answers

What is digital transformation?

Digital transformation is the process of using digital technologies to change the way organizations operate

Is the subsidy dedicated to a specific industry sector?

No, there are no such restrictions.

Is Dig.IT a program only for companies in eastern Poland?

The grant will be available to entrepreneurs from all over Poland

When will the call be opened?

The call has been tentatively scheduled to start in the last quarter of 2023, and the awarding of the competition in the first quarter of 2024. There may be some postponements, so keep an eye on the IDA website or our grants guide (

About the author

Filip Samczuk
For 12 years, he has provided substantive support to entrepreneurs in realizing their dreams of starting or growing a business. He advises on obtaining financing, business development and legal issues. Privately a fanatic of sports, travel and history of the 20th century.

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