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Grants for companies

EU funds for small businesses

Article on planned grants for small businesses. See what industries can count on European funds and how to maximize your business' chances of receiving support.
Filip Samczuk
Author of the article
December 22 2022
Reading time
5 minutes
graphics - SME sector
Table of contents


Small businesses are an extremely important part of the market, which is why the European Union supports them by providing various grants and subsidies. This allows small businesses to expand their operations, invest in new technologies or hire new employees. Read this article and find out what EU funds for small businesses have been provided in the upcoming financial perspective.

From this article you will learn:

  • What are European grants for small businesses,
  • What is a micro, small and medium-sized enterprise,
  • What EU subsidies for small businesses are available or planned.

EU support for small businesses - definition

EU subsidies for companies are a form of financial support that is provided by the European Union to entrepreneurs to support their development and implementation of innovative projects. These subsidies can be used for various purposes. Such as the development of new technologies, the purchase of modern equipment, the creation of new jobs, the development of exports or the implementation of innovative environmental solutions, among others.

European funds for small and medium-sized enterprises are granted under various EU programs. Their granting is governed by certain rules and conditions.

The support programs that will be available in the coming years are related to the new EU budget.

SME sector - does your company fall into it?

A micro-enterprise is an enterprise with less than 9 employees and an annual net turnover of less than €2 million or total balance sheet assets of less than €2 million.

A small enterprise is an enterprise with no more than 49 employees and an annual net turnover not exceeding €10 million or with total balance sheet assets not exceeding €10 million.

A medium-sized enterprise is an enterprise with no more than 249 employees and an annual net turnover of no more than €50 million or total balance sheet assets of no more than €43 million.

Why are these criteria important? EU subsidies for small businesses, as the name implies, apply to European subsidies for small businesses (including micro and medium-sized ones), not large enterprises.

graphics - SME sector

Polish business that can count on support from European funds

Although the implementation of the new EU budget in Poland is running behind schedule, some support programs are already available. Their detailed summaries can be obtained by signing up for the guide at;

And what projects will be eligible for EU support for small businesses in the coming years? These include:

  • Research and development (implementation of innovations, research projects),
  • overseas expansion,
  • Thermal modernization and other environmental projects,
  • startup development.

This is only a sample calculation, as potential subsidies for small businesses will be plentiful. EU funds will not be the only solution available, as alternate sources of funding are and will be available. For example, Norwegian Funds, grants from the Visegrad Group, PFR support, support programs organized at the headquarters level (Brussels) or preferential BGK credits (with the possibility of amortizing installments - for example, "technological credit"). A particularly wide offer can be counted on by small companies based in eastern Poland. This is because the European Union wants to support, above all, these less economically developed regions

European funds - since when?

The first support programs from the new financial perpsepective will take off in 2023. This means that European grants for small businesses will be available in just a moment. It is worth keeping your hand on the pulse in order not to miss the opportunity to develop your business faster. Subsidies often allow you to gain a significant competitive advantage in the market.

A banner encouraging people to sign up for the subsidy guide

EU funding for new companies?

Some of the subsidies are dedicated to already existing companies that also meet additional criteria such as an appropriate level of turnover (revenue).

However, in the new financial perspective, there will also be programs for new companies. Both startups and traditional companies.

The criterion for the existence of a particular company may be important for a specific EU grant. However, even if it is not possible to take advantage of a specific program, it is certainly worth following other calls. Support will be aimed at both existing companies and start-ups.

EU programs for small businesses - how to prepare?

The following list will help you increase your chances of getting a subsidy for your business or company.

  1. Think about what investments you want to finance.
  2. Think about whether you have a contribution of your own or are able to get one, and take a look at the available grants (you can do this by contacting us).
  3. Evaluate your chances of obtaining a grant and take advantage of the support of a professional, experienced advisor.

It is worth remembering that obtaining subsidies for companies is not easy and requires meeting certain conditions and criteria. Therefore, before deciding to take advantage of the subsidy, it is worthwhile to carefully study the range of available programs and funds and seek advice from a specialist.

euro banknotes

Support from the European Union for small businesses - summary

You already know what kind of company has SME status, and moreover, what small business subsidies will be available in the coming years. You also have the knowledge of where to look for information about calls for proposals.

Remember that the 2021-2027 budget is the last such large funding for Polish companies. This is your last chance to take advantage of European funds and grow your business faster.

Taking advantage of grants for companies can be very beneficial, as they can provide additional funding for projects and investments and increase the chances of their success. Subsidies for companies can be especially useful for small and medium-sized enterprises that may have difficulty obtaining financing from other sources.

Taking advantage of subsidies for companies can also bring additional benefits, such as:

  1. Promoting the company: getting a grant can be a good way to raise the company's profile and gain new customers.
  2. Opportunity for growth: business grants can be used for investments that will allow the company to grow and become more competitive.
  3. Start-up support: business grants can be especially useful for young entrepreneurs who are just starting out and need additional funding.

Questions and answers (Q&A section)

  1. What are EU grants? EU grants are a form of financial assistance that is provided by the European Union (EU) to member countries. And, in particular, to organizations and companies located on their territory. The purpose of this form of support is to encourage the development of entrepreneurship, as well as to promote innovation, knowledge and technology transfer.
  2. Who can apply for EU grants? EU Grants are mainly intended for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that meet certain conditions and criteria. In some cases, EU grants are also provided to NGOs, scientific institutions and other entities.
  3. Where can I get information about available EU grants for small businesses? Information about available EU grants for small businesses can be found on many websites. For example, on the website of the European Funds or local institutions responsible for providing EU grants. You can also use the help of specialists in the field of obtaining EU funds, including the support of Well Done Business advisors.
  4. What documents need to be submitted to apply for EU grants for small businesses? In order to apply for EU grants for small businesses, it is usually necessary to submit many documents. Typically, these include: a grant application, business plan, project budget and other documents required by a specific program or fund.

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About the author

Filip Samczuk
For 12 years, he has provided substantive support to entrepreneurs in realizing their dreams of starting or growing a business. He advises on obtaining financing, business development and legal issues. Privately a fanatic of sports, travel and history of the 20th century.
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