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Grants for companies

Grant for new business

If you're just starting out with your own business, it's a good time to get an idea of the grants on offer for new businesses. Read this text so you don't miss anything important.
Filip Samczuk
Author of the article
December 22 2022
Reading time
6 minutes
2023r - start of operations
Table of contents


Are you thinking about opening your own business? If so, you may be interested in business funding. Read this article to find out what opportunities in this regard are available and what the state offers to budding entrepreneurs. This is a text for you, especially if you are interested in non-refundable funding.

Find out where to look for information on calls for proposals and which businesses have the best chance of getting funding under the new budget perspective. This knowledge can make it easier to start a business.

From this article you will learn:

  • What is funding for new business;
  • Where to get information about grants for new business;
  • Which company can benefit from EU funds.
2023r - start of operations

Grant for new business - basic information

Starting a business is a big challenge. A shortage of funds can thwart the beautiful plans of an entrepreneur. That's why it's a good idea to safeguard against such an eventuality by raising additional funds.

A new business grant is a form of financial assistance provided by various institutions, such as government offices, government agencies or NGOs, to individuals or companies that want to start a business.

Grants can be used for a variety of purposes, such as purchasing equipment, paying for employee training costs or other support in the initial development of the company.

To obtain a grant, most often you need to submit an application. It is necessary to describe the purpose for which the grant will be used, and to specify what benefits it will bring to the company and its environment. The application may be rejected if the granting institution considers that the purpose for which the grant is to be used is not in line with the project (regulations). It is important to carefully read the terms and conditions of the grant and make sure that the company meets all the requirements. Before applying for a grant.

Where to see if there is funding available for a new business?

There are many places where you can find information on available grants for new companies. Here are some possibilities:

Labor office (for grants from the District Labor Office). At the labor office, you can inquire about grants available to new businesses in your region (county) and receive assistance in applying for a grant.

Government agencies. Many government agencies, such as the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP) and the National Center for Research and Development (NCBR), offer grants to new companies. You can find information about available grants on their websites.

Websites. There are various websites on the Internet, such as, which provide information on available grants for new businesses. There you can find information about the requirements, criteria for the grant and how to apply.

Industry associations. It's also a good idea to check with industry associations that may have knowledge of available subsidies for companies in your industry.

Local Action Groups. If there is a LAG in your region. Get in touch with it. Chances are there is a call for grants for new businesses going on right now.

Consulting firms. Consultants, too, can be a source of information on available grants for new businesses and help with grant applications.

A banner encouraging people to sign up for the subsidy guide

For whom is a grant for a new business?

The procedure for receiving a grant defines the criteria that an entrepreneur must meet in order to obtain financing. EU startup grants are easiest to obtain if:

a) you are planning a simple (traditional) business and the amount at the level of 20-30 thousand zlotys, is sufficient for you or

b) you are planning to start a business in Eastern Poland or

c) you create breakthrough (innovative) solutions based on modern technologies (you are planning a high-tech business) or

(d) you are active in the agri-food industry or

(e) you are active in the green energy industry.

Does this mean that other companies have no chance to get a startup grant? No! It's worth monitoring the available grants on a regular basis, as there are quite a few programs and they change frequently. And, you can also apply for loans (including preferential loans, where the interest rate on a loan is lower than market rates) or support from private investors (business angels, venture capital funds).

Different support programs impose different conditions for obtaining funds. Sometimes you don't have to have an own contribution, in most cases it is required. Also the situation regarding the payment of subsidies (advance or refund) varies. That is why it is so important to carefully read the rules and regulations of each program. This will allow you to avoid trouble and disappointment.

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What is required to receive funding for a new company?

You already know that the specific requirements depend on the program regulations. Nevertheless, certain criteria are repeated almost every time. An indispensable element of a grant application is a professional business plan Or its elements. These include, for example, financial projections, market or competitive analysis.

To avoid disappointment and rejection of the application, it is advisable to take help from professional advisors. Properly completing the application causes great difficulty for most entrepreneurs. Professionals, will also help draw up a detailed business plan. Remember that it is rarely possible to submit an application several times. Even if you do, it prolongs the process by many months. For these reasons, the support of experienced experts can be invaluable. It will certainly increase your chances of obtaining EU or other funds.

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Grant for new business - summary

You already know where to check if business funding is available. A grant for a new business is a solution used by a great many budding entrepreneurs.

In order to receive a grant, it is most often necessary to submit an application and meet certain conditions, such as being qualified or operating in a specific industry. Applications for subsidies are reviewed by grant-making institutions, which decide whether to grant or reject the application.

Grants for new companies can be very helpful in starting a business, as they allow you to obtain additional financial support, which can be used, for example, to purchase equipment or finance other costs associated with registering a company. It is worth remembering, however, that grants are given for a specific purpose and must be used as intended.

Questions and Answers (Q&A)

  1. What are grants for new businesses?

Grants for new businesses are a form of financial assistance granted by various institutions, such as the government, local government or EU institutions, for entrepreneurs who are starting a business. Funding is provided under various programs and can be of different nature, such as to finance the purchase of fixed assets or to subsidize a research project.

  1. Who can get a grant for a new company?

New business grants are intended for entrepreneurs who are just starting a business. Depending on the program under which the applicant applies for a grant, there may be additional conditions, such as required qualifications or operating in a specific industry.

  1. How to get a grant for a new company?

In order to obtain a grant for a new company, an application for a grant must be submitted to the relevant office or institution. The application must be filled out in accordance with the instructions and must be accompanied by the required documents. Grant applications are reviewed by the granting institutions, which decide whether to grant or reject the application.

  1. What can a grant for a new company be used for?

A grant for a new company can be used for various purposes, depending on the program's objectives. The criteria for awarding the grant and the purpose of the funds is defined in detail in each case in the project regulations.

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About the author

Filip Samczuk
For 12 years, he has provided substantive support to entrepreneurs in realizing their dreams of starting or growing a business. He advises on obtaining financing, business development and legal issues. Privately a fanatic of sports, travel and history of the 20th century.

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