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Grants for companies

Non-refundable subsidies for companies 2024

Find out what subsidies you can count on in 2024. Also learn how to get financing for business development step by step.
Filip Samczuk
Author of the article
January 5 2024
Reading time
7 minutes
EU subsidies
Table of contents

European funds in 2024 - introduction

EU subsidies are an important factor supporting the development of businesses in Poland, and their availability contributes to increased competitiveness in the market. The Polish Agency for Enterprise Development plays a key role in managing and distributing these funds, directing them mainly towards micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. EU subsidies are aimed at increasing the innovation, modernization and efficiency of companies, which has a positive impact on their development and ability to compete both in the domestic and international markets.

These subsidies cover a variety of areas, such as support for investment in modern technologies, employee training or infrastructure development. EU support for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises is particularly important, as they are an important pillar of the economy, generating jobs and stimulating regional development. By directing funds to companies in this segment, the European Union supports economic growth and the creation of innovative solutions.


It should be emphasized that the process of applying for EU grants requires diligence and a professional approach, and taking advantage of the help of specialists in preparing applications can increase the chances of entrepreneurs for success. In the long term, EU grants for companies are becoming a key element in building a sustainable and competitive entrepreneurial sector in Poland, supporting the dynamic development of the country's economy.

If you are interested in grants for new businesses in 2024 or grants for small businesses in 2024 - read this article to the end.

EU grants 2024 for companies - examples

EU grants under de minimis aid or state aid are the most popular ways of non-refundable financing of company development. Already at this point it is worth noting that in addition to EU grants, there are also a number of other possibilities for financing the development of a company. These are both other types of grants (e.g. from the Norwegian Funds, the Social Insurance Institution or the Visegrad Group) and financing such as loans or support from private investors.

See specific examples of programs available under EU grants in 2024:

  • SMART Path,

  • Environmental Credit,

  • Support from KPO for the HoReCa industry,

  • Startup Booster Poland,

  • Brand promotion of innovative SMEs,

  • Dig.IT - digital transformation of Polish SMEs.

Remember - the above examples are just a few of the programs. In total, there will be more than 100 non-refundable grants for companies in 2024 (including local, regional, international programs).

As you can easily see, EU subsidies for companies are intended to support the development of selected sectors of the economy. Certain industries will be privileged in this regard. There will also be support for specific ventures such as business development in international markets. Remember, too, that there are programs dedicated to consortia of SMEs (several companies join forces by submitting a joint application). However, the vast majority of programs are for single SMEs.

EU subsidies

How not to miss out on 2024 EU matching grants?

If you want to stay up to date on grants (calls change frequently), the best way is to sign up for our newsletter here: ;

text you want to stay up to date on subsidies sign up for the newsletter

99% of companies interested in grants drop out not at the proposal stage, but by not finding the right program in time. Obtaining a grant is relatively easy when a company meets the formal requirements. Business owners do not have the time or competence to search for the right programs. We are able to provide your company with comprehensive support from finding the right program, to obtaining funds and settlement. However, the most important first step, i.e. enrollment in the above-mentioned guide is on your side.        

Obtaining grants step by step

EU funding - how much can you get?

The level of funding depends on many factors. The simplest answer to this question - it all depends on the program, and the details are described in the regulations. However, there are some general trends and patterns that often apply in this field.

The main element that can affect the level of subsidy (percentage) is the location of the business. Companies based in Eastern Poland can benefit from preferential rates (above 50% of financing). These include the following provinces:

  • warmińsko-mazurskie,

  • Podlaskie,

  • lubelskie,

  • Subcarpathian,

  • swietokrzyskie.

Importantly, not in every case the province or more broadly the location is decisive for the level of subsidy. Therefore, in each case, it is necessary to read the regulations of the subsidy. There are many provincial programs available that can benefit companies located within the area. Usually the location of the investment is important, not the main office.

Much also depends on the size of the enterprise. SME companies, as a rule, receive EU funding on more favorable terms than large enterprises.

Innovation (R&D) and ecology

Most funds are allocated to activities related to innovation (research and development) and ecology in the economy.

When thinking about obtaining funding for R&D, it is worth thinking about cooperation with research organizations (e.g. scientific units). Implementation of innovations should be associated with breakthroughs in the industry. It is no longer enough to buy a new CRM system or design a mobile application. Of course, digital activities are welcome.

Ecology includes the greening of businesses, energy transition or other renewable energy measures. It is worth recalling in this context the Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego and the "Ecological Credit" program run by this entity, which is de facto a subsidy. A commercial bank provides a loan under this program, but it is later partially repaid by BGK.

Non-repayable subsidies for companies in 2024 - for what?

eu flag

The catalog of eligible costs, i.e. what you can use the received funds for, is very broad. Of course, again, everything depends on the specific program, its purpose, its regulations.

Examples of eligible costs:

  • fixed assets,

  • Entrepreneur-led outbound economic missions,

  • consulting services,

  • intangibles,

  • Improving the skills of employees,

  • research (r&d).

Subsidies for new companies or subsidies for existing companies in 2024?

Support programs are and will continue to be available for both new companies and existing ones. Statistically, there is a greater chance of receiving funding for an already established business, because there are more such grants. On the other hand, there are also programs dedicated only to new ventures, such as Social Security funding or programs for startups.

It is worth mentioning at this point that subsidies are available for both EU funds for one-person small businesses and for large enterprises.

From finding a program to writing an application - non-refundable EU grants step by step

getting a grant step by step

Wondering how to approach the subject of grants for your company? The first, most important, but also the most difficult step is to find the right program. It is at this stage that 90% companies drop out.

When you manage to find the right grant - either on your own or with our help, you can start writing the application. Application templates are very diverse. From a few-page forms to fill out in 3-4 days, to very complicated documents with numerous attachments. When you apply for support from European funds, always turn to experienced professionals who know how to fill out an application. In 2024, there is no point in risking dropping out (when you meet the requirements) because of poorly written application. And its proper drafting is usually very difficult - for a person without experience.

Once you submit a properly drafted application on time, you stand a good chance of being awarded EU grants. Then you must sign a contract with the operator responsible for distributing the funds. Most often this is the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, but it all depends on the specific program.

Once the contract is concluded, an advance payment is usually received. Unless the financing works on the basis of reimbursement of costs incurred. It is worth checking these and other relevant conditions before deciding to apply for a grant. The specialists who create the application will help with this.

What remains is the implementation of the project and its proper accounting. Here, too, it is best to use external support.

environmental credit as a subsidy

Non-refundable EU subsidies for companies in 2024 - is it worth it?

The use of EU subsidies is becoming increasingly attractive to businesses, both small and medium-sized. The European Union offers a variety of financial support programs aimed at stimulating innovation, growth and competitiveness of companies. One of the key arguments for taking advantage of EU subsidies is the possibility of gaining funds for business development that a company might not otherwise obtain.

These subsidies make it possible to invest in modern technologies, employee training or infrastructure development. For many companies, especially medium-sized ones, which are an important backbone of the economy, this is an opportunity to increase their competitiveness in the market. Subsidies can also assist companies in the process of expanding into foreign markets, which contributes to building a stronger position on the international stage.

In addition, the use of EU subsidies allows companies to reduce investment costs, which translates into increased profitability and financial stability for the company. It is also worth noting that EU funds support companies in their pursuit of sustainable development, which is becoming an increasingly important aspect in society and business.

In conclusion, taking advantage of EU subsidies for a company is not only a chance to gain additional financial resources, but also an opportunity for dynamic development, increase competitiveness and adapt to modern market challenges. Companies that actively take advantage of available EU support programs can set new industry standards and contribute to sustainable economic growth.

Non-refundable subsidies for companies - questions and answers

What kind of companies are there subsidies for?

Grants in 2024 are and will be available to companies in almost every industry. It all depends on the purpose of the funds needed and the fulfillment of other conditions specified in detail in the regulations of the programs. Importantly, most EU funds will go to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. If you are interested in European funds, and you have full freedom in locating your investment or business - it is best to choose Eastern Poland.

Where to see what European funds are currently available?

Your best bet is to use our informative guide, linked in the article, above. You can also check regularly on your own on sites such as or - but you won't find all the calls underway and planned in the near future there.

What to consider before deciding to apply for EU grants?

Check the amount of support and method of disbursement, all formal requirements for the implementation of the project, and above all whether your company meets the basic criteria. Remember that you usually have to have your own contribution, plus funds for costs such as VAT or incurring costs that will only be reimbursed later (depending on the program). It's best to consult an experienced advisor after an initial self-analysis of the program.

About the author

Filip Samczuk
For 12 years, he has provided substantive support to entrepreneurs in realizing their dreams of starting or growing a business. He advises on obtaining financing, business development and legal issues. Privately a fanatic of sports, travel and history of the 20th century.

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