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Grants for companies

Subsidy for one-person companies

Do you run a one-person business or are you thinking about starting one? If so, you may be interested in grants for one-person businesses. Read the article and learn the details.
Filip Samczuk
Author of the article
February 25 2024
Reading time
7 minutes
companies raising money
Table of contents

Subsidies for one-person companies 2024 - introduction

Are you interested in grants for new businesses or simply EU grants for sole proprietorships? You are in the right place. From this article you will learn more about the opportunities in this area. There are quite a few solutions, and they are often independent of the industry in which you operate or want to operate. Keep in mind, however, that the most difficult step in obtaining a grant is not at all drafting a proposal, but simply finding the right program that fits your needs. We are able to help with this.

The business sector in Poland benefits from various forms of support aimed at stimulating innovation, competitiveness and expansion into new markets. Subsidies for one-person companies are not only financial assistance, but also an opportunity to develop competence and gain valuable experience.

Subsidy for one-person companies

Starting a business with financing - where to start

Grants for one-person businesses are an important pillar of support in Poland's entrepreneurial ecosystem. Individuals considering starting a business can take advantage of various forms of subsidies designed to help them get off the ground and encourage them to implement new solutions.

The first step for would-be entrepreneurs is to familiarize themselves with the offerings available on the website of Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, which acts as an intermediary in the distribution of European funds. These funds are aimed at those planning to start their own business and include a wide range of support, from start-up grants to assistance in business development and implementation of innovative projects.

Encouraging an innovation-friendly environment is one of the main objectives of European funds. In this context, support aimed at sole proprietorships often focuses on sectors with high innovation potential and on projects that can contribute to the economic development of the region.

The procedure for receiving a grant begins with the preparation of a suitable application and business plan, which must comply with the guidelines of the grant program. Then, the applications are evaluated for their compatibility with the fund's objectives and potential for the development of the local labor market and economy.

It is also worth noting the opportunities offered by county labor offices, which implement support programs in the business sector for business start-ups. Such programs can include not only direct subsidies, but also training, business consulting and assistance in implementing new solutions. When you're interested in support at the level of several tens of thousands of zlotys, it's a good idea to start by talking to a specialist from the labor office. There may be a call for applications currently underway at your county labor office.

business project

EU grants for new companies - examples

There are at least a few financial solutions in the form of grants for new companies in 2024. These include, for example:

- A start-up grant from the labor office (district labor office),

- A grant for startups under Startup Booster programs (startup development),

- Financial support offered by business gas pedals,

- Subsidies from so-called regional programs (including Local Action Groups).

In addition, entrepreneurs can also take advantage of other opportunities to finance their business, such as preferential loans (for example, the "Support for Getting Started" program implemented by BGK) or funds from private investors such as business angels or venture capital funds.

start-up grants - overview

Non-refundable grants for one-person companies

Grants differ from loans in that they are non-refundable. In other words, as long as you meet the requirements indicated in the regulations and properly account for the funds received, you do not have to return them. This is the main advantage of grants over, for example, loans or private investors, to whom you have to give away part of your company in exchange for capital.

Available subsidies for existing sole proprietorships as well as for new sole proprietorships can be searched using an information guide: ; Importantly, calls for proposals change frequently, so in order to maximize your chances of obtaining financing, you need to keep track of information in this regard on a continuous basis. It is not enough to take an interest in grants once every few months. Then, the chances that you will just happen to come across a tailor-made grant are minimal. Most entrepreneurs are not aware of this and, as a result, miss out on calls for proposals.

Remember that grants are non-refundable, but in most cases, an own contribution is required. Most often, it's a minimum of 20-30% of the total project you want to finance with grant support. However, there are times when programs offer 100% of support. Remember that then the competition is very high and often the funds are at a lower level, such as 30-40TP3T. This is an example of a solution from the labor office.

Funding for sole proprietorships can take a variety of forms - from start-up grants, to support for innovation, to assistance in expanding into foreign markets. Depending on their needs and business profile, entrepreneurs can apply for support tailored to their situation.

Company opening

Subsidies for sole proprietorships - what are the differences?

When you look at the picture of grants for sole proprietorships in 2024 in Poland, you will see that most support programs here do not differentiate between sole proprietorships and companies. Most often, support is offered to one as well as the other, and the key criterion is the status of the entrepreneur.

However, it may be that such a distinction is important. An example of such a grant is the funds available for starting a business from the county labor office. These are dedicated to sole proprietorships, excluding companies.

To find out whether a particular program covers sole proprietorships, you need to read the program's rules and regulations carefully. It is in it that all the criteria and rules for awarding funds are included. It can also be helpful to contact a hotline or talk to a grant acquisition expert.

Starting a one-person business with financial support is the domain of the labor office. Sometimes there are also grant proposals for new small businesses offered by other entities. E.g. local action groups or under startup booster or startup development programs in eastern Poland.

Procedure for receiving a grant

The procedure for receiving a grant usually begins with the submission of an application to an appropriate institution, such as the PARP or a local labor office. The application should include a detailed business plan, which outlines the purpose of using the funds and the planned activities for the development of the company.

It is worth noting that labor offices often offer grants for unemployed people starting a business, which is an opportunity for professional activation and financial independence.

What subsidies for one-person companies can be used for

A frequently asked question is what the obtained grant can be used for. Everything depends on the regulations of the given subsidy program. It is in it that you can find a catalog of so-called "eligible costs", i.e. expenses for which you can use the funds obtained.

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There is no single standard, but most often the funds are allowed to be used to purchase fixed assets, i.e. company equipment. Rarely is it real estate (contrary to the expectations of entrepreneurs) or cars. Sometimes the funds obtained can be used for employee salaries or marketing. Of course, everything depends on the specific competition, program.

EU subsidies for new companies vs. other solutions

Grants from the European Union for one-person companies are not the only solution available. Remember also grants from other sources. In addition, you also have loans (traditional and preferential) or support from private investors. Of course, you must first convince them of your project. Here a business plan or an investor presentation with a professional financial model in excel will certainly prove useful. An idea alone is usually not enough. It is worthwhile to learn about all available options for financing the development of your business, in order to choose the optimal one for your needs and capabilities.

Grants for one-person companies - where to look for announcements

When, for certain reasons, a grant from the labor office for starting a business is not a satisfactory solution in your case, you may want to look for alternatives. In this case, you may find our guide for entrepreneurs useful. is a website where you can sign up for notifications about all current EU grants and other funding for companies. This means programs from such sources as PARP, NCBiR, BGK, NFOŚiGW, ARiMR, Norwegian Funds or the European Commission. There is information about both support for starting a business and grants for companies already in operation. For this reason, it is worth taking an interest in the topic, whether you are still before registering a one-person company or looking for EU funds for developed businesses.

Most entrepreneurs miss out on grant calls because they don't have the time or knowledge to keep up to date with all the information in this area. Therefore, it is worthwhile here to support yourself with external support, thus maximizing your chances of success.

EU grants for one-person companies - summary

If you're looking for grants for a sole proprietorship, it's a good idea to start by signing up for a grant guide (link above). That's how you'll maximize your chances of getting funding several times over.

Without keeping an eye on the specific program already found, it is impossible to answer questions about how much you can get, what you can spend the funds on, or whether an own contribution is required. The answer to these and similar questions is usually found in the grant regulations. When you don't find it, you can additionally call a hotline or ask an experienced grant expert for advice.

Also, remember that most grant applications are quite complicated. If you haven't used a grant before, it's better to entrust the task of drawing up the application to a company that has experience in this. This will increase your chances several times over. What's more, such a company should be able to assess your chances even before you start work. This can save you from incurring unnecessary costs (or wasting time) when a particular program does not fit your needs or capabilities.

Starting a business is a major challenge for many entrepreneurs. Finding the right sources of funding can make the process much easier. The Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (PARP) and local labor offices offer various forms of financial support, including grants for one-person companies. Thanks to them, budding entrepreneurs can receive the necessary funds to start and develop their own business.

About the author

Filip Samczuk
For 12 years, he has provided substantive support to entrepreneurs in realizing their dreams of starting or growing a business. He advises on obtaining financing, business development and legal issues. Privately a fanatic of sports, travel and history of the 20th century.

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